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Ensemble Eclectica

August 24, 2024 • 7:30 pm



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Classical meets Pop/Rock and Bluegrass, as Walter Hemingway of The Root Doctors and Nahi Grūv, Brittany Martin, Soprano, and Carolina Bluegrass Style join Ensemble Eclectica! in presenting a new show Once Upon a Time in the Land of Amóre. Roxana Marinoff and Cesar Davalos, Sheila Brown, and Eric S. Blair Robles interpret the dance of love. Noted singer, actor, and dancer Tracy Steele will be the Master of Ceremonies. "Love will be in the air" is the way Maestra Suzanna Pavlovsky, CEO and Artistic Director of Ensemble Eclectica! describes the program. Experience the Arts with someone you love, even if that someone is yourself."


6:30 pm: Pre-show entertainment by Carolina Bluegrass Style and an Artwork exhibit. 

7:30 pm: Ensemble Eclectica! presents its new signature production, Once Upon a Time in the Land of Amore featuring: 

*18 piece orchestra 

*A delightful EMCEE 




As always, expect the unexpected! Get your tickets soon with early bird pricing.